I've been typing this blog post and realized that I jump around a lot. That's what having to pay for internet by the minute will do to a person! :)
I've been in Mozambique now for about 1 1/2 weeks. I have been loving the weather; it has been mostly sunny and warm, with a couple days of rain. I can't believe how different Mozambique and Swaziland are. It's amazing to me that 2 countries that border each other can be so distinctly different. I guess it's like comparing the US to Mexico. Actually, Mozambique reminds me a lot of Mexico in the way that it looks.
The base that we are staying at is about 100 yards from a mosque. Each morning, starting at 4:30 am, they do a prayer call. It continues every couple hours throughout the day. Each time I hear it, I am reminded of the very real presence of people who do not know the Truth of God's sacrifice. I am reminded that there are people living in darkness and that need to be shown the light. One night, we were worshipping when we heard the prayer call and we all worshipped as loud as we possibly could. And we proclaimed the Truth of God and His glory as loud as we could. It was amazing to feel God's presence when we did that.
We have been doing a lot of ministry here, which I guess is why they call it outreach. :) We have been evangelizing in the market, praying for people at the hospital, hanging out with the kids, and doing some work in the community. It is difficult to minister at times because none of us speak Portuguese, so we are at the mercy of interpreters (if we have one with us) or some broken English. I am looking forward to Namibi where people speak English so that it will be easier to minister to people. The more I am ministering to others, the more filled up I feel. Which is crazy because I've always heard about how ministering to others is so draining. But when you are sharing the love of God with people, it's amazing how He keeps you filled.
God was amazing enough to provide us the funds to buy some groceries for a gogo (an old lady) who raised her grandson when his parents abandoned him. She is 70 and gets up every day and walks about 3km to go work in the field so that she can eat. Can you imagine? She is hunched over and walks very slowly, but faithfully gets up while it is still dark so she can support herself and her grandson while he finishes school.
One of the things that God has talked to our group about is how God is crying out for his people, like a momma cat who is being kept away from her kittens that are also crying out. When we cry out to Him, it is in His nature to cry out to us. God delights in showing us His mercy and His love.
We leave Moz on Nov. 5 and will head to Namibia. I will keep everyone updated as I can. God bless and you are in my prayers.
Blogging in the Dark
7 years ago
I'm playing catchup here on your posts. I noticed there were some of facebook I'm going to read now. Praying for you and can't wait to see you soon!