A couple weeks ago I got to go to Emmanuel Kayalethu (EMK) to visit the kids there. It was such an amazing visit!! I got to see Piwa, the little girl I fell in love with last year. She and all the kids have grown so much. The babies are now running around all over the place. I was amazed that when I was there, some of the kids remembered me. They ran up to me and recalled stories from the year before. A couple of them even remembered my name. I was astounded by that. I love those kids and loved being able to see them again. I think I may go back next week.
We found out we are supposed to go to Maputo, Mozambique and to Windhoek, Namibia. Please be praying for what God wants us to do and for safety in all the places we are supposed to be going.
After outreach, I am considering going to Uganda for a few weeks. I feel especially convicted after I read the blog of a couple of 21 year old American girls that live there and have ministries there. I read about a couple of girls that they were trying to nurse back to health. The girls were severely malnourished. One of the girls was 21 years old and weighed 37 pounds. 37 POUNDS!! I was horrified when I read that and saw the pictures of her. I mean, our 5 year olds weigh that. Unfortunately, or more likely fortunately for that poor young woman that was suffering so badly, she went home to be with the Lord. I am so encouraged by these 2 young American women who so desperately love Jesus that they have committed their lives to serving Him and sharing His love with those that most people forget about. I know I am capable of that kind of love and know that Jesus wants me to share that love with the people who need it the most. I foresee some public speaking to shine some light on these ministries and these causes.
Then I heard a stat from a friend. He used to be a youth pastor and someone spoke at a camp they once had. The speaker said that if we took 2/3 of the money that was spent on pornography each year in the U.S., we could feed every person on the planet for an entire year.
Lord, thank you for the burden you have put on my heart for these people. I know that You are the only one big enough to cure this problem. I know that I can’t do it. But I know that You can work through me to help with it. I know that You can use me to make a difference. I know that You can use me to show the kind of love that You have for the world. Please, keep me focused on that. And help me to remember that You are the reason for everything I do. I want to live for You and You alone.
I’ve heard people ask, “if there is a God, how can He allow suffering in the world?” To those who ask that I ask, “if there is no God, how can people continuing to allow suffering in the world?” If you don’t believe that there is a God who should be taking care of people then it is up only to people to take care of people. God asks us to take care of each other. Either way we are failing MISERABLY.
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