Hello everyone! I have survived my first week of DTS!! It has definitely been an adjustment, but I feel settled in loving it. Swaziland has such a slow, laid back pace. It's easy to fall in love with the place. And the people are so incredibly friendly and helpful.
There are a total of 7 students in DTS: 2 Americans (including myself), 1 Botswanan, 1 Ugandan and 3 Swazis. Quite the mix of cultures. The food has been good. I think my favorite thing they have here is called pap (pronounced "pop"). It's the staple food and is basically cornmeal. But I can't get enough of the stuff. :)
It's quite interesting bathing here. This is running water and showers, but no hot water. So I can either take cold showers or boil water and bathe out of a bucket. It's actually quite fun. I know, I'm weird. But there is something that feels good about conserving water. I mean, I literally bathe in about 5 liters of water a day. It's so cool.
I found a couple running partners here, which has helped to keep me sane. But oh man, it is ALL hills here. I think by the time I get home I'm going to be able to outrun my sister. :)
It has been awesome to be surrounded by like minded individuals and I feel like God has really started to open up my eyes about what He has in store for me. I'm so excited about the weeks to come and what God has for me.
I will be posting pictures as soon as I have a flash drive to transport pictures from my computer to the internet cafe. And as God is revealing things to me, I will be revealing them to you! Oh, I'm getting a cell phone today, so people will be able to call me. :)
Love to you all! You are in my prayers!
Blogging in the Dark
7 years ago